
„Dissembling - Wood for Trees“

aus der Galerie von Sybille Sterk
Über dieses Bild:

Sixth in a new series called Dissembling
dis·sem·ble (d-smbl)
v. dis·sem·bled, dis·sem·bling, dis·sem·bles
1. To disguise or conceal behind a false appearance. See Synonyms at disguise.
2. To make a false show of; feign.
To disguise or conceal one's real nature, motives, or feelings behind a false appearance.

From The Free Dictionary

The series is about the different guises and masks we wear.
 This particular image is about the way we disguise ourselves so we fit in and don't 'stick out' by making ourselves look and behave the same as everyone else. Thus, we, in our individuality become almost invisible and we don't notice the wood or even a single tree for the multitude of trees.
   Credits  Model  Portrait by Blair-W  Stock  Autumn In Transilvania by UmbraDeNoapte-Stock  Grass Stock by bagnaj97  Roots-stock by FractalAngel-Stock  Textures  6 Faves Texture Sets 4 by Shadowhouse  Actions  Perfect Portrait 3 Action by TheCoffeeshopBlog  Freebie Actions (Veruca Salt) by Apples & Sisters  Brushes  CS3 Great Hike Foliage Brushes by mynti  Spanish Moss Brushes by redheadstock    All others images/textures/brushes my own    MyFreeCopyright  MCN: CGVL6-2ALQN-VD6HJ

Bildnummer: f3a19f8
spokeninred gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2015-03-10 17:16:17 UTC
Diana Boariu gefiel dieses Kunstwerk 2014-04-03 07:46:37 UTC
Gelöschte Person 2011-07-17 16:27:40 UTC
Great, your series!
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